Commercial Fire Statistics to Know

Fires to commercial buildings, such as retail spaces, restaurants, office buildings, and industrial spaces, can not only cause substantial damage to the structure but also pose a risk to lives, income, and supplies stored inside. Knowing the leading causes of fires can not only help you be prepared in the event of one, but keep these areas as safe as possible.

Frequency of Fires

According to the U.S. Fire Administration, there are over 100,000 non-residential fires reported each year in the U.S. This includes fires in offices, restaurants, stores, and other business properties. Fire departments respond to an average of 1,450 warehouse fires per year, which is about four fires per day. In 2020, there were 16,500 office and store fires in the United States, causing $932 million in direct property damage, and around 5,900 restaurant fires are reported to U.S. fire departments each year.

Leading Causes of Commercial Fires

Cooking equipment is the leading cause of fires in non-residential buildings, accounting for around 29% of fires in 2021.

Electrical malfunction (wiring, appliances, and overloaded circuits) causes approximately 12% of commercial fires.

Heating equipment and arson are also common causes, contributing to 9% and 10% of fires, respectively.

Other causes of fires in business properties include: Lighting and Smoking


Property Damage

Commercial fires result in substantial financial losses, with annual direct property damage exceeding $2.4 billion. Warehouse fires alone cause approximately $155 M in damage each year. The average damage per fire can range from $30,000 to over $100,000, depending on the type of property and the fire’s cause.



How To Protect Your Business

Fire Detection and Suppression Systems significantly reduce the chance of fire in your business. Call us at Sentry to install a fire alarm system, smoke detectors, sprinkler system, and/or foam system. Commercial buildings with fire alarms and sprinkler systems are significantly less likely to experience catastrophic damage.

Install and Maintain Fire Detection Systems

Install Fire Suppression Systems

    • Sprinkler Systems
    • Fire Extinguishers
    • Automatic Fire Suppression Systems

Perform Regular Inspections and Maintenance

    • Electrical Inspections
    • Appliance Maintenance
    • Fire Code Compliance
    • Minimize Electrical Risks

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