The Shocking Truth About Texas Crime Rates
In 2024, Texas saw a staggering 88,481 burglaries—10,358 of them in Dallas County alone. Texas ranks 4th highest in the nation for total burglaries, with Houston at the top and the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex not far behind. As you can see from the table below, you are more likely to fall victim to crime in Texas, specifically Dallas, than the rest of the USA.
Who’s Most at Risk?
Rural neighborhoods see 12% more break-ins than urban areas – and it’s not just a coincidence. Despite common belief, most burglaries happen in broad daylight when homes are empty. The same goes for businesses. With fewer people around in rural areas, criminals have less chance of being seen, making them an easier target. First floor apartments and homes without security systems are also highly targeted. Neighborhood security is one way to cut down on property crime and make the community safer for everyone. Many insurance companies offer discounts for properties in secured communities as well, leading to long-term savings for homeowners and businesses.
What are Texans most concerned about?
What crimes are Texas residents most concerned about? Well. believe it or not, its package theft. Sitting much higher than the national average of 53% Texans worry about their packages being stolen more than gun violence. 11% reported having experience with gun violence, thats down 31% from the year before. Firearms actually come fourth as a preferred method of property protection, see below what comes first.
Security cameras and security systems are the preferred method of protection for Texas. Good thing we specialize in both here at Sentry. From residential to commercial, we have what you need to help deter crime. Remember, security is not an expense, it’s an investment.
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